What is CrossPoint’s Connect Ministry?

The Connect Ministries are designed to provide meaningful connections to all who attend church on Sunday mornings and other special events at CrossPoint. First impressions are important, and this ministry is our church’s first intentional contact with those people. The objective is to make people feel welcomed, informed, and comfortable as they participate at CrossPoint. We want guests to return and to also tell others of the welcome they received at CrossPoint. Here are the Connect ministries that have been identified. We will add more Conncect ministries as new needs and opportunities arise.

  • Guest Services: Guest Services involves the transfer of information about church ministries and programs to Sunday morning participants. Development and administration of an information center is the primary responsibility of this ministry team.
  • Parking/Shuttle Service: The Parking/Shuttle Team will be responsible for providing smiling faces, a warm greeting, and assistance to all who arrive at each campus on Sunday mornings. They will seek to make it easy to park and locate entrances for specific classes, age groups and activities. They drive golf carts and other shuttle vehicles on Sunday mornings and for special events.
  •  Greeters: Greeters will greet people at the doors and assist them in finding classes and/or the worship center at their campus. This ministry team will closely coordinate their work with the Guest Services team and the Hospitality Team.
  • Ushers: Ushers assist CrossPoint in reaching “Just One More” by providing a warm welcome and personal assistance to worship service attendees. These ministers do such things as distribute worship guides, collect the offering, provide seating assistance, as well as greeting people as they enter the worship center.
  • Hospitality: This team has a very flexible responsibility. The opportunities for unique approaches are endless. Food is important (remember, we are Baptists), but does not cover the entire scope of this ministry. They assist the Pastor in greeting guests following worship services and handle hospitality needs for special events.
  • Follow-up: This team seeks to follow up on guests and provide opportunities for them to connect with a Bible Study group. They also assist in serving and welcoming people to the monthly D101 luncheons.
  • Facilities: This team works to insure that our facilities are neat, clean, and comfortable for members and guests at CrossPoint. Individuals on this team open and close the buildings on Sundays, assist with emergency and routine maintenance needs, and help the staff identify and address facilities and grounds needs.


For more information please contact Executive Pastor, Brian Harris at bharris@crosspointchurch.info