Finding Fulfillment
God created us as sexual beings designed for physical intimacy. The scriptures teach that each of us has been made in the image of God either male or female. “In the image of God, he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) Grasping this reality is the foundation of sexual fulfillment no matter what life season you find yourself in, from a young person anticipating the wonders of romantic love to a married couple seasoned in the beauty and excitement of pleasure.
What We Want
Many Christians spend their lives yearning for a sexual intimacy they never experience for various reasons including…
Temptation: God gave us a sex drive to be heeded and enjoyed in its proper time and place. As fallen creatures we experience the ongoing temptation to pursue physical gratification for its own sake, a reality made more difficult in a culture that bombards us with images and messages that can warp and undermine lasting sexual fulfillment.
- Deception: From an early age we are fed lies about sex. Puritanical rigidity says sex is dirty. The sexual revolution overreacted by swinging to the other extreme, telling us we have identity politics that tells people that they can change their sex rather than celebrate it as a fixed, physical reality given by a God who doesn’t make mistakes.
- Exploitation: Sexual abuse and exploitation robs those impacted of the capacity to enjoy God’s intended design for physical intimacy. Those who have endured such experiences need God’s grace and healing so that they can enter into a healthy, proper sexual relationship.
- Dysfunction: Temptation, deception and exploitation all feed dysfunctional dynamics between husband and wife that can undermine a healthy, happy sex life.
What We Were Made For
C.S. Lewis said that we are far too easily pleased, “like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.” This is certainly true in the area of sexual fulfillment. Too often we seek satisfaction in ways that fall far short of the pleasures and joys that come with God’s design for physical intimacy.